Sunday, February 7, 2010

Video Kill The Radio Star

BAU "ANGGUN" Official Music Video (OST Merah Puteh)

An & The Smell

From a fusion of Indie, Pop, Rock and Alternative trends, a new equation was created,thus resulting in the raw and unique music of BAU. This captivating new 5-piece alternative rock Malay band was found in early 2002 due to the initiative of Ash, who worked as a producer, arranger and songwriter whilst nurturing a vision to create a group that would lift the local music scene to a new level. With music as the prime connection, Ash teamed up with Chot, Dino, Audee and An. From the onset, these 5 young lads fused their talents to produce phenomenal ideas. Ash is the acknowledged pinnacle of the band, but truly, it is the band’s songs that separate them as accomplished artistes in their own right. Their music depicts a bold and vibrant streak, laced with lyric that exude penetrating originality.

Fast forward to 2008 and BAU had undergone a few major changes most notably in their lineup. Former lead singer and bassist Chot and Audee have parted ways with the band, citing financial commitments and creative differences to name a few, which leaves the remaining members in a dilemma with the choice of soldiering on or calling it a day. Band leader Ash chose the former,and hence three new members were recruited for the lineup. First is the introduction of new vocalist Iss. After a few painstaking auditions and sessionists for former member Chot's replacement,it was unanimously decided that Iss was the right contender to fill Chot's shoes. Next is new bassist Nas, armed with funky and intelligent basslines, was brought in to replace former bassist Audee as their new member. Last is rythm guitarist Daud or D for short. As time had progress, Ash who was handling both rythm and keyboard duties,had decided to relinquish playing rythm for the band and decided that they needed an extra member to fill in said gap.

Now with their new lineup complete, BAU is finally whole again. As time progressed the band's music had also matured into a more eclectic and progressive sound,they are ready to soldier on and make their voices heard.

For booking and BAU latest EP please contact:
1) An - 012-3323012 (KL)
2) Ash - 0192337770 (KL)
3) Is - 017-7297484 (JB)
RM 12.00 ONLY!!
RM 5.00 will be charge for delivery service.


Lately, im enjoy listening to MANDO DIAO (macam name jawe pon ade gak kan?). To tell the truth, i was a bit surprised when the 1st time i watched them on MTV. So...dengan pantas skali aku key in their name into my fon and dload all of their song d next morning..heheh..gile jahat kan? But, nk wat cane kan..kalau dah bole dpt free...buat ape nk beli..memang x kaye2 la musician kt Bumi n especially kt MALAYSIA ni..Rock ON! Ok here are some of d tracks dat i really2 love (cant stop listening to it yo!) Highly recommended ok!:

1) Dance With Somebody
2) Gloria
3) Come on Come on
4) The Shining
5) You Got Nothing On Me

Aite then..Enjoy listening to MANDO DIAO!
Till Next Time!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Arrival...

Well..this is it....goodbye to the king MJ...and say hello to the new king Man JoJo..Hail Hail Hail!