Sunday, February 7, 2010


Lately, im enjoy listening to MANDO DIAO (macam name jawe pon ade gak kan?). To tell the truth, i was a bit surprised when the 1st time i watched them on MTV. So...dengan pantas skali aku key in their name into my fon and dload all of their song d next morning..heheh..gile jahat kan? But, nk wat cane kan..kalau dah bole dpt free...buat ape nk beli..memang x kaye2 la musician kt Bumi n especially kt MALAYSIA ni..Rock ON! Ok here are some of d tracks dat i really2 love (cant stop listening to it yo!) Highly recommended ok!:

1) Dance With Somebody
2) Gloria
3) Come on Come on
4) The Shining
5) You Got Nothing On Me

Aite then..Enjoy listening to MANDO DIAO!
Till Next Time!


faizahmw said...


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